Stream Solana pairs & prices.

Finally, a cheap and effective way to get all newly created raydium pairs and their prices on Solana

Get API Key
wscat --connect wss:// --header X-API-KEY:923aeea0ac3549a80dcd9f881986eaf7 --execute '{"id":1,"method":"newPairSubscribe"}' -w 600

# For bash:
# 1. Install wscat with npm install -g wscat
# 2. Get your api key
# 3. Copy and paste the command above into your terminal with your api key.
// go get
// Connect
c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial("wss://", http.Header{"X-Api-Key": []string{"923aeea0ac3549a80dcd9f881986eaf7"}})
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("dial:", err)
defer c.Close()

// Start the pair / price stream
err = c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(`{"id":1,"method":"newPairSubscribe"}`))
if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("write:", err)

for {
    // Continuously read pairs / prices
    _, message, err := c.ReadMessage()
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("read:", err)
    log.Printf("recv: %s\n", message)
// npm install ws
const WebSocket = require('ws');

(async function () {
    // Connect
    const ws = new WebSocket('wss://', undefined,
            headers: {
                'X-API-KEY': '923aeea0ac3549a80dcd9f881986eaf7'
    ws.on('error', console.error);
    ws.on('open', () => {
        // Start the pair / price stream
    ws.on('message', (data) => {
        // Continuously read pairs / prices
        console.log('received: %s', data);
// composer require textalk/websocket
$client = new \WebSocket\Client("wss://", ['headers' => ['X-Api-Key'=>'923aeea0ac3549a80dcd9f881986eaf7'], 'timeout' => -1]);

    $message =  $client->receive();
    echo "Received: ", $message, "\n";
Get tokens up to 1 MINUTE before they are listed on DexScreener!
Trusted By
Data Source
Solana Solana Chain

Sample Responses

  "slot": 301578636,
  "signature": "UWnvRXCHpmDxb9tQAYYEEoY8r2JVZ3CcbDLpsFp8EGBdv5njjyEkGXhYxcFCc7Y68X15SWrfve4rycvM4vGRJh7",
  "blockTime": 1731688226,
  "pair": {
      "sourceExchange": "raydium",
      "ammAccount": "CDnqCfvxQvncrWpoTT36xBCcthzQyh8RumuvoFsFZNVC",
      "baseToken": {
          "account": "G9GZaVRPiYRfNQF7oqNoeXKwB5jFbLSHe5fxLcCpump",
          "info": {
              "decimals": 9,
              "supply": "206900000000000000",
              "metadata": {
                  "name": "randomcoin",
                  "symbol": "randomcoin",
                  "logo": ""
              "mintAuthority": null,
              "freezeAuthority": null
      "quoteToken": {
          "account": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
          "info": null
      "baseTokenLiquidityAdded": "206900000000000000",
      "quoteTokenLiquidityAdded": "630000000000"

This event is triggered whenever a new token trading pair is created on raydium.

  "slot": 295071253,
  "signature": "2fGYXbZHeP1K2PDpLSNaQRdRZPfQ9nbRq2PzWfVrUR5S5GX7xKYVDuuRPCeGbbku2cP8FYc8wUT52YaVQx4EPJ6i",
  "blockTime": 1728681131,
  "ammAccount": "GPwuECrv8YiCLDbmyCACJL8KqasKvAfiSj9PAhntMNdX",
  "baseAccount": "LoLLZBUGyTPNWyFF48KbcmkZGc1ajwaFdWoLhF2nBfQ",
  "quotePrice": 0.0000002748,
  "quoteSwapAmount": 10015822

This event is triggered whenever the price on a trading pair changes.

The price of a token may change across multiple pair liquidity pools.
Even more features...

Average 2 seconds behind the chain time for new pairs. This is faster than DexScreener!

Easy Setup

Get going in seconds with multiple language examples


For the data we send you, we are significantly cheaper than our closest competitor

Cancel Anytime

As we bill monthly, you can cancel your subscription any time.

Secure Websocket

All data is transferred over an encrypted websocket

Free Trial

Try out the feed to see if it fits your needs.


Best for evaluating the platform.

$0 / month

100 NewPair events
10,000 PriceUpdate events
1 Connection
Personal Use
Live Chat Support

NewPairs Only

Unrestricted access to newPair events.

$29 / month

Unlimited NewPair events
10,000 PriceUpdate events
1 Connection
Personal Use
Live Chat Support

NewPairs & Prices

Unrestricted access to endpoints.

$79 / month

Unlimited NewPair events
Unlimited PriceUpdate events
1 Connection
Personal Use
Live Chat Support

Please contact us for any commercial or enterprise grade usage.

We get data directly from the solana chain. We use a very reliable third party node provider, then parse the blocks in real time and send the data on to you.

You can expect a latency of anywhere between milliseconds to a couple of seconds as an estimate for both pairs and prices. It is good practice to check how far behind the event is before using it. However we hope to upgrade to a private node to grately improve the response time once enough people are using this service.

A lot of the cost with solana products relate to the amount of data they consume. Solana generates approximately 500GB of new data each day! We can parse and filter the data before passing it on to you, greatly reducing the cost.

Currently we only focus on Radium pairs and prices. Radium is the most popular exchange on the solana chain but we hope to include more in the future.

We currently operate our service from servers located in London (UK).

Of course you can! But often, you will need to run either a full Solana node or connect to a costly shared rpc provider. Both options are pretty expensive and require a lot of in-depth Solana knowledge to get started. We offer a simple, pre-parsed filtered data stream that you can connect to in seconds.